Change Wisconsin LLC name
You can change the name of a Wisconsin LLC by filing articles of amendment with the secretary of state. Read the step-by-step instructions below:
Official Wisconsin form to change LLC name
Fill up the LLC amendment form and mail it to the Wisconsin secretary of state to change an LLC's name.
Amendment formWhat is an LLC?
Limited Liability Company
LLC is a business entity in the U.S that provides limited liability to its members. It has characteristics from both corporation and sole proprietorship. LLCs are permitted under State statutes of each US state.
Limited liability
Personal assets are protected for people with limited liability when they are sued.
A business entity that can issue shares and give limited liability to shareholders.
Owners of an LLC are referred to as members. They own membership interest in the LLC.
Sole proprietorship
Where an individual engages in business activity without formal organization.
Types of LLC
Depends on the number of members and whether it has elected to change its IRS classification.
Single-member LLC
Has only a single member. IRS considers it as a sole proprietorship for tax purposes.
LLC as C-corp
Owners of an LLC are referred to as members. They own membership interest in the LLC.
Multi-member LLC
Has two members. IRS considers it as a partnership for tax purposes.
LLC as S-corp
A special election for a maximum of 100 US shareholders.
Step-by-step instructions
How to change an LLC name in Wisconsin?
Check the steps below:
1. Choose a new name
Before you proceed with changing your existing LLC name, make sure to find a new LLC name that suits your business.
Ensure the name follows the state's LLC naming guidelines. See them in detail below.
Search for possible names through the state's business entity search tool. Make sure the name you pick is available.
2. Reserve the new name (optional)
Optionally, you can reserve a name with the state. You can do so by paying reservation fees to the Wisconsin secretary of state.
Reservation fee
Reservation period
120 days
3. File articles of amendment
You may fill and file a articles of amendment for the LLC with the secretary of state via mail to update the state of the new name.
Filing fees
Department of Financial Institutions,
Division of Corporate and Consumer Services
Corporate Section,
PO Box 7846
Madison WI 53707
4. Update your operating agreement
Make note of the name change in your operating agreement and update accordingly.
5. Update state and federal government records
Check all the government records, including tax registrations, employer records, etc and update your new name.
6. Inform your business contacts
Make sure you update your bank, vendors, customers and other related parties with your LLC's new name
Entity name
Every LLC should have a unique name in Wisconsin. Wisconsin maintains a list of names of entities in the state. Go through it to check if your chosen name is available.
Search for names
Go to the official website of the Wisconsin search corporate records tool to see if the name you want is available.
Searching fee
You can reserve a name for your LLC for a specific duration by paying reservation fees to the Wisconsin corporation section of the division of corporate & consumer services. You will have to file your LLC formation documents within this period to keep the name. Alternatively, you can directly go ahead with the LLC formation without any reservation. That's fine too.
Reservation fee
Reservation period
120 days
LLC naming guidelines
The name you choose for your LLC must the official naming guidelines.
Wisconsin Statutes §183.0103
Here are some of the guidelines in simple language:
- 1
Must contain the words "limited liability company" or "limited liability co." or end with the abbreviation "L.L.C." or "LLC".
- 2
Don’t include terms that indicate that you are doing an activity that you are not authorised to do.
- 3
Your name should be ‘distinguishable’ in the Secretary of State records. Adding a punctuation or ‘the’ does not make it distinguishable.
- 4
Don’t use words that makes it seems like you are a governmental entity or has an affiliation.
LLC Annual Report
Every LLC has to file this report in Wisconsin to stay compliant with the state laws.
Filing Annual Report
Wisconsin LLC is expected to file this report annually
File it online on Wisconsin Secretary of State website
Online fee
Online processing time
Failure to pay
Wisconsin dissolves LLCs within one year for failure to file an annual report.
Frequently asked questions
Related steps in Wisconsin
LLC in Wisconsin is a powerful entity for entrepreneurs. After the formation, you may have to add a member, remove a member or change registered agents. Read how to do these actions.
Wisconsin LLC
Wisconsin LLC add member
Wisconsin LLC remove member